Shedinburgh Fringe Festival

Exclusive Access

Shhhh spots are now open in the coolest Shed around, BUT they’re highly limited…

We’ve got only 10 spots available for the finest fringe frequenters, the sharpest culture aficionados, and all-round Shedinburgh Fringe Festival lovers, to gain exclusive behind-the-scenes access to Shedinburgh 2021 including a full festival pass and tickets to exclusive live-filming.

Additional inside perks include a Shedinburgh poster signed by all the Shedinburgh 2021 artists, your name carved into the one and only SHED, and getting hold of the exclusive 2021 Shedinburgh Tea Towel with drawings by your favourite Shedinburgh stars. 

Get in touch with us below if you’re looking to make a difference to the next generation of Fringe artists by making a £500 or more contribution to Shedinburgh in 2021 whilst joining the coolest club to be held in a shed.

2 out of 10 spots have now been claimed. Get yours today!